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Going ROGUE!

It may be premature to get involved with a design agency/consultancy while I’m still a full-time student but I am excited to be a part of something perhaps different: ROGUE Innovation + Design.

So what is this new ROGUE?* I think it is best defined on the group’s manifesto page:

Rogue Innovation + Design is a fully virtual invention firm that empowers small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs to realize [and capitalize] on their ingenuity.

Invention. Patenting. Development. Engineering. Manufacture. Innovation services once reserved for those of considerable resources, we are now making accessible to everyone.

Excitedly and officially, I am learning (and doing) how to be an entrepreneur at an innovation startup: ROGUE Innovation + Design.

But how am I a part of this new ROGUE I+D? Well, that’s where you come in folks; if you know of anyone who could use our expertise, we’d be forever grateful if you connected us. You can send them the link to this website or send me a message.

(* Not affiliated with my first bike racing team in Louisville KY).